高校時代から、身体能力の高さは折り紙つき。高校日本代表強化合宿の50?b走測定で BKより速いタイムを記録したことも。パナソニックで試合経験を重ねボールキャリー、ラインアウトと、身体能力がプレーに結びつくように。バックファイブどこでもこなせるのも強み。
He has possessed a proven high level of physical ability since high school, where he recorded a faster time in the 50m sprint test than the backs during the Japan High School training camp. Having grown as player through his time at Panasonic Wild knights, his physical abilities have transferred well into steady ball carries and lineout. He’s
reliable in the back, being able to play any of the five positions.