Website Usage Policies


The copyright on all information on the JRFU website (including information, data, text, software, music, sounds, photos, images, footage, videos, messages and character strings) rests with the Japan Rugby Football Union (hereafter, the Union). In some cases, the copyright rests with the provider of this content. This content is protected by laws including the Copyright Law. Anyone wishing to use (reproduce, alter, upload, display, transmit, distribute, sell or publish) information carried on the JRFU website must first obtain permission from the Union.
However, in the following cases, the above restrictions do not apply when such information is used within a scope recognized as being for private use or other usage explicitly approved under Japanese law:
• Printing images and photos for personal viewing.
• Printing information for personal use.
In addition to the above cases, the Union will, in principle, allow information on its website to be used in the following cases provided the user does not change the content and clearly states that the Union is the copyright holder:
• Using press releases and match reports for news coverage.
• Primary, junior high and high schools, universities, vocational schools and other authorized education entities, and rugby teams and training schools reproducing documents for distribution within the team or classroom for the purpose of educating or nurturing players. Written consent from the Union is required when distributing documents to a team or in a classroom.

Prohibited actions

The following actions are prohibited when using the JRFU website:
• Actions that will or may harm the privacy and assets of the Union or a third party.
• Actions that will or may cause a loss of profit or damage to the Union or a third party.
• Actions that will or may violate public order and standards of decency.
• Criminal behavior and actions that will or may lead to criminal behavior.
• False declarations and reports, such as registering another person’s email address or other information.
• Actions for business or commercial purposes, or any actions intended for the purpose of preparing for the same.
• Actions that damage the trust and/or reputation of the Union or a third party.
• Actions that will or may use or transmit damaging computer programs such as computer viruses.
• Actions that will or may violate any regulations, ordinances or laws.
• Any actions the Union deems to be inappropriate.


The Union exercises the utmost care in running the JRFU website and makes every effort to quickly provide accurate, useful information.
However, the Union does not make any guarantee with regard to the following matters relating to the operation of the website:
• Whether information content on the website is complete.
• Whether information content on the website is accurate.
• Whether information content on the website is reliable.
• Whether information will be carried quickly on the website.
• Whether information will suit the preferences or purposes of every person who uses it.
• Whether links within and outside the website work properly, and whether they have been appropriately edited and programmed.
• Whether the JRFU website is safe, including with regard to the presence of harmful components such as computer viruses within the website and/or server.

Furthermore, the Union accepts no responsibility for any damages that arise due to the use or inability to use information carried on the JRFU website.
The Union may change information on the JRFU website without prior notice. In addition, operation of the website may be suspended or discontinued at any time.
In cases where users of JRFU website services inflict damage on a third party through their use of the website, they shall resolve the same at their own liability and expense, and ensure that no damage is inflicted on the Union. The Union accepts no responsibility for any dispute that arises between users of the JRFU website, a user of the website and a third party, or between third parties.

(Updated on August 18, 2003)