日本で成長したオージー。練習生として東芝に加わり、移籍した宗像サニックスで豊富な運動量を養った。RWC2019直前に日本代表デビュー。トップリーグ2021では FLでもプレーしたが、代表では LOへの専念希望。「FLで高めたボールスキルを LOでも」と話す。
From ‘the land down under’ to the ‘land of the rising sun’! This Aussie joined Toshiba as a trainee and cultivated great momentum after transferring to Munakata Sanix. He made his Japan national team debut just before RWC 2019 and played flanker during Top League 2021, but hopes to
specialise as a lock from here-on out as a Japan national team member. He says he’d like to apply the ball skills he
developed as flanker to contribute to the game as a lock.