元韓国代表 PRの東春さんを父に持つ、生来のスクラメイジャー。RWC2019アイルランド戦で見せたスクラムターンオーバーは大会名場面のひとつ。今季は Hondaのコーチになった父から直接指導を受けた。シーズン終盤に腰を痛めるも、強靭なスクラムは健在。
A natural scrummager and son of former Korean national team prop Dongchoon Koo. His scrum turnover skills shown at the RWC 2019 match against Ireland is classed as one of the best scenes of the tournament. Despite suffering from a back injury at the end of the season, his powerful scrummage skills are still in good form.