THE ECONOMIC IMPACT of Rugby World Cup 2019™
June 24, 2020
The Japan Rugby Football Union (President: Shigetaka Mori, Minato-ku in Tokyo) has announced that “THE ECONOMIC IMPACT of Rugby World Cup 2019™” and “Rugby World Cup 2019™ Review of outcomes” are released to the Public today.
These reports summarize and analyze the economic impacts of the RugbyWorld Cup 2019 in Japan to the entire country and each host city, as well as various actual achievements and outcomes.
Following the dissolution of the Rugby World Cup 2019 Organising Committee, who issued the reports, on March 31, 2020, the copyrights of the reports and the knowledge on the tournament management know-how of the Rugby World Cup will be taken over by the Japan Rugby Football Union as irreplaceable tournament legacy.
Report URL
■Comment from Sir Bill Beaumont Chairman of World Rugby
“The outcomes of this comprehensive EY report reaffirm Japan 2019’s status as one of the great Rugby World Cups on and off the field.
“It reflects Rugby World Cup’s status as one of the best-loved and most prestigious major sports events to host, while highlighting the significant social and economic benefits that make the tournament such an attractive low-risk, high return on investment hosting proposition for governments and unions alike.”
■Comment from Akira Shimazu- former CEO, Rugby World Cup 2019 Organising Committee
“The Rugby World Cup 2019 was an unforgettable event which will be remembered by many people for years to come.
Rugby fans from all over the world watched in awe as the entire country was enthralled by the fierce battles that took place in the 12 host cities across Japan. The excitement around the stadium and the official Fanzones in each host city was incredible, and what we achieved was in no small part thanks to all 19 local governments of the 12 match venues that embodied the sense of responsibility that was crucial to this tournament’s success.
Once again, I would like to extend my respect and gratitude to all those involved who contributed to the success of Rugby World Cup 2019 including the volunteers, whose efforts will never be forgotten.
We hope that the hosting of this tournament will help to enrich sports culture in Japan and will lead to the further global development of rugby starting from grass-roots, community levels.”
■Comment from Shigetaka Mori- President of Japan Rugby Football Union
“I would like to express my most sincere appreciation to everyone involved in the success of Rugby World Cup 2019.
I am forever grateful that the Rugby World Cup- the third-largest global sporting event in the world after the Olympic Games and the FIFA World Cup, was held in Japan, resulting in the increasing popularity of the game and more people than ever becoming familiar with the beauty of our beloved sport. With enthusiastic cheers from all over Japan, the Japan national team made history by powering their way to the quarter finals, the highest Rugby World Cup finish they have ever achieved.
We are determined to make sure that the valuable legacy left by this immeasurably successful tournament will live on, and we will continue to strive to make rugby a well-loved national sport in our country. If the opportunity arose again, we would be eager to demonstrate our intention to bid for future Rugby World Cups and make the Japan national team the world’s best team. Your continued and unwavering support for the Japan rugby is crucial to achieving these goals, and we are eternally grateful for your dedication to our team.”